Muna English Circle
For the final autumn 2017 Muna English Circle, we played a board game called “Dixit”. Everyone was so attracted to the game and time flew by so quickly.
Dixit Board Game
Dixit is a communication game with imagination using beautiful picture cards. At first, kids practiced feelings in English with Nam. Then we played the game using the feeling words. Kids talked with parents and decided the words by looking at each beautiful card. We really enjoyed the game by watching how kids chose their words with their unique imagination which adults don’t have. We talked a lot about each card and 1 hour passed so quickly while playing this game. It had already become time to finish the circle.
By the way this game seems very simple, but explaining the picture cards is a very advanced thing. It can be said that this is a game to improve “thinking” and “speaking” abilities, both of which the Ministry of Education emphasizes on the 2020 English curriculum overhaul.
Finishing off the 2017 Autumn Muna English Circle
We pursued practical English in this circle. It was our first time to try this method, so when we started circle, we not only had excited feelings but also nervous feelings.
After having 4 circles this season, we can see a strong possibility of the success of this circle after seeing kids speak English while they are enjoying games along with their parents’ high motivation.
We believe kids got the idea that English isn’t a subject to be learned in school but rather it’s a communication tool. And by knowing English, their world will open more via knowing new games.
We will continue our practical fun English circles in the new year, too!
The next Muna English Circle will be held on Sunday, January 7th from 9:30-10:30 at Tsukiminosato.
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