Muna Kids English Circle
Happy New Year!!
This year will be a huge challenging year for Muna English. We will work hard to make our school a warm and enjoyable school.
We held our third Muna Kids English Circle for Winter 2018/2019 on January 6th. We played “Dobble Kids” and “SET” which is a well known brain training game. We were so impressed with the children’s abilities!
Dobble Kids
“Dobble Kids” is kid’s version of “Spot It”. The goal is to match animal pictures between 2 different cards, however there’s always only 1 matching animal between any 2 cards. This game has been commonly played in our Muna Kids English Circle. We could see how effective it is to continue using the same English especially by seeing our regular elementary class students saying the English sentence very well. Also many kids were able to speak in English with confidence. We were very happy about the children’s improvement.
“SET” is a multi award-winning game where players are challenged to recognize a pattern between 3 cards. “SET” builds cognitive, logical and spatial reasoning skills as well as visual perception skills while playing a game. Players must use both left brain and right brain thought processes while playing the game which helps to exercise the brain. Kids have very flexible brains and after they got the rules, they were much faster than adults to see patterns and find sets. It was impressive! This game gives you fun game time and improves your thinking ability! We hope parents also play this game seriously together with their kids at home, too.
Parent Discussion Time [Kindergarten Class]
We talked about the importance of exercising the left and right parts of the brain and how it helps children develop intuitive and creative skills. These skills are underdeveloped in school, however we believe it’s important to develop these skills since now a huge education reform is happening. Also while kids practice English again and again while enjoying the game, it helps them to get used to English as a communication tool. We hope that this lesson was a good educational experience for both the kids and the parents.
Elementary Kids Playing “Dobble Kids” Elementary Kids Playing “SET” Kindergarten Kids Playing “Dobble Kids”
The next Muna Kids English Circle will be held on Sunday, January 20th at Tsukiminosato.
- 9:30 – 10:30 – Elementary School Kids Lesson
- 10:45 – 11:45 – Kindergarten Kids Lesson
Please come out and try Muna style English conversation lessons. We’re looking forward to seeing more new members!
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