Muna Toronto Virtual Tour – Report

Muna Toronto Virtual Tour
Muna Toronto Virtual Tour

Muna Toronto Virtual Tour

In August 2018 we travelled to Toronto, Canada and hosted a virtual tour with our Muna Kids English Circle students. Students got to shop for their own chocolates/candies and kids books which we brought back for them to Japan! It was much more than a traditional “Skype Lesson”!

Toronto Local Picture Tour

During our 3 weeks in Toronto, as part of our tour we regularly shared photos that we took around the city. These were not normal tourist attraction photos, but they were about things that you cannot find in any guidebook. Because Nam is from Toronto, he was able to explain things that only local people knew about which Japanese people would find interesting. It was an enriching culture sharing experience!

Live Video Tour

For each child (and their family) we held a 30 minute live video tour where we walked around and showed them a section of the city. We explained to them about the area we were in and showed them local unique things that are different from Japan. Since it was a live video, the students were able to ask questions which we could answer immediately.

Virtual Shopping

During our live video tour, we visited Tim Hortons, a popular coffee and donut shop chain in Canada. The kids got to choose a Timbit (mini donut centers) which we ordered and sampled for them. It was fun to “feed” them the Timbits into the camera! (Nam ate the Timbits and reported back about the taste.) Then we went shopping for the kids. They got to choose one chocolate or candy and an English book which we bought for them and brought back to Japan. It was truly a virtual shopping experience!

Toronto Local Picture Tour
Toronto Local Picture Tour
Live Video Tour
Live Video Tour
Virtual Shopping
Virtual Shopping

Muna Toronto Virtual Tour

This was our first special members exclusive event we held. If you wish you get email notifications of future events, please sign up for a free membership!

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