Muna Kids English Circle
For the second Muna Kids English Circle of 2018 Winter, we focused on phonics. Kids practiced a lot of English while having fun with games.
Kids drew the pictures for phonics cards and parents guessed what they were. Then they switched. Everybody focused on drawing and we were surprised with how so many parents are really good at drawing!
We practiced phonics again but this time we described the cards by using gestures. We also enjoyed watching kids (and parents) perform unique gestures while asking questions in English.
Parent Discussion Time
We talked about the importance of phonics. Parents could get what phonics is by singing the phonics song again and again. Here is a summary of the importance of phonics:
- Phonics helps all 4 skills (speaking, listening, writing, and reading).
- By learning phonics, you can pronounce clear English instead of Katakana English, and gain the basics to be able to listen to native speakers’ English.
- You can understand how to spell English words by “sounding them out” and you won’t struggle to learn how to read and write in English.
Please continue phonics at home too!
Playing Charades
The next Muna Kids English Circle will be held on Sunday, February 18th at Tsukiminosato. Our membership number has grown so much that we will split the class beginning from the next lesson.
9:30 – 10:30 – Elementary School Kids Lesson
10:40 – 11:40 – Kindergarten Kids Lesson
Now that we have more capacity, we’re looking forward to seeing even more new members!
Apply now! ↓↓↓