Muna Kids English Circle 10/14 – Report

Elementary Kids Playing "Guess Who?"
Elementary Kids Playing “Guess Who?”

Muna Kids English Circle

We held our third Muna Kids English Circle for Autumn 2018 on October 14th. This time again, there were kids from as far as Kakegawa and Hamamatsu.

Animal Spot It! [Elementary Class]

We played an animal version of “Spot It!” which Nam made. We practiced more than 30 animal and insect names. We felt many parents saying “Oh…” or “I see…”, especially when practicing the insect names. We believe it is very important for learning English to experience these things (get stimulation for the brain or heart). We sometimes need to memorize words by using vocabulary books or textbooks, but practicing words together with parents and friends by saying the words and thinking “It has an interesting sound” or “I know similar words” gives a stronger impact and helps to keep it in our memory. On top of that, because kids practiced English together with parents, we hope kids and parents ask, “How do you say (bug name) in English?” during conversations at home.

Guess Who? [Elementary Class]

This time kids got to play many activities! In addition to “Spot It!”, the kids also played “Guess Who?”. Even the kids who played this game at the last circle got to experience something new since we played a different version of the game focusing on different types of questions. We heard many parents saying, “This game is really interesting.” This game can help improve logical thinking and some parents were saying, “Let’s get this game and play at home.” We were happy that we could introduce a great game for our members!

Memory [Kindergarten Class]

In the Kindergarten class we played “Memory”. This is such a simple game but it’s suitable game for kindergartners who are still practicing memory skills. This game is also good to practice English phrases because it’s simple and repetitive. “Say it”, “repeat it” and “get used to it” is important. Please try this game at home, too.

London Bridge [Kindergarten Class]

We were able to enjoy the song together with new members. It was cute to see the kids make a train and go under the bridge that the parents made. Making new friends from different neighbourhoods and schools is great for the kids. Thank you for coming to the circle, especially people from far cities!

Parent Discussion Time [Kindergarten Class]

We talked about the importance to apply English used in games to daily life at home. People understand how to use phrases by seeing them in different situations, the same way as how babies learn Japanese. Just because a phrase is really “simple” or your child had “already learned it before” doesn’t necessarily mean that they know how or when to use it. They need to continue practicing it in different situations until they are fully able to understand and use it. We hope that parents can practice the phrases they learn in our circles with their kids at home in many kinds of situations.

Elementary Kids Playing "Animal Spot It!"
Elementary Kids Playing “Animal Spot It!”
Elementary Kids Playing "Guess Who?"
Elementary Kids Playing “Guess Who?”
Kindergarten Kids Playing "Memory"
Kindergarten Kids Playing “Memory”

Kindergarten Kids Dancing “London Bridge”

The next Muna Kids English Circle will be held on Sunday, November 11th at Tsukiminosato.

9:30 – 10:30 – Elementary School Kids Lesson
10:45 – 11:45 – Kindergarten Kids Lesson

Please come out and try Muna style English conversation lessons. We’re looking forward to seeing more new members!

Apply now! ↓↓↓

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